Like infantry or armor, IW can be considered a military "arm" in its own right, but, also like infantry and armor, IW is best used in combination with other branches of the military in order to achieve a common objective. 像步兵或装甲兵一样,信息战有理由被认为是一个独立的“兵种”,但是,同样像步兵或装甲兵一样,为了达成共同目标,信息战最好能与其它的军事手段结合使用。
The state practices a state military supplies order system to guarantee the acquisition of weapons and other war materials. 国家实行国家军事订货制度,保障武器装备和其他军用物资的采购供应。
The capital of Malta is inextricably linked to the history of the military and charitable Order of St John of Jerusalem. 马耳他共和国首都瓦莱塔与耶路撒冷的圣约翰骑士团的军事和宗教历史紧密联系在一起。
ARTICLE 1 The Regulations are formulated to strengthen centralized management of military exports and maintain normal military export order. 第&条为了加强对军品出口的统一管理,维护正常的军品出口秩序,制定本条例。
What we are saying to them is this: we will modernize our military in order to keep the balance for peace, but wouldn't it be better if we both simply reduced our arsenals to a much lower level? 我们现在向他们说的是:我们将使自己的军事力量现代化,为的是保持和平的均势,但是如果我们双方都把武器库降低到低得多的水平,岂不更好?
A knight of a religious military order established in 1118 to protect pilgrims and the Holy Sepulcher. 1118年制定的宗教军事命令中保护朝圣者和宗教神圣储藏物的武士。
Western feminism needs to divorce and distance itself from high-profile military campaigns in order to win back goodwill. 西方女权主义需要与高调的军事行动切割并保持距离来赢回信誉。
They have a military order and get rewarded for their evil actions, which include Satanism, and symbols and yellow-orange-black colors. 他们有一个军令状,奖赏他们的邪恶行动,其中包括黄橙黑颜色的撒旦符号。
We welcome arrival of Russian Military Mission in order to concert future plans. 我们欢迎俄国军事代表团前来,以便协商未来的计划。
Sovereign Military Order of Malta 马耳他主权军事教团
Under the flag that an international peace organizes, have launched uniting the military operation in order to defeat the illegal invading army, this is the first time in human history. 在一个国际和平组织的旗帜之下,为了打败非法的侵略军而展开了联合军事行动,这在人类历史上是第一次。
Because of the particularity in battlefield environment, environmental noise is a main obstruction in the military order recognition technology. 由于战场使用环境的特殊性,环境噪声成为军事命令语音识别技术实用化的一个主要障碍。
The thesis discusses the general principle of impediment of illegality in executing military order; 执行军事命令阻却违法的必要性;
Research& Implement of Military Second Order Time-clock 军用交换系统中二级时钟的设计与实现
This paper studies the building of laboratory and experimental teaching for military logistics, in order to improve the practical ability of students, enhance the fostering of creative talents, and meet the requirements of development of military logistics and logistics support. 对军事物流专业实验室建设及其实验教学改革进行了研究探讨,以提高学员的实践能力,加强创新能力的培养,适应军事物流学科发展和军事后勤保障的需要。
Impediment of Execution of Military Order 论执行军事命令之阻却违法
In the 1990s, with the collapse of Soviet Union, the White House designed a blueprint for the merger acquisition ( M A) of military industry in order to reduce excessively huge industry scale and therefore enhance competitiveness of American weapons. 上个世纪90年代,随着苏联解体和冷战结束,为了压缩庞大的国防规模以及增强军工企业的出口竞争力,美国白宫精心策划了军工企业的并购重组方案。
Under such circumstances, Wei Liao Zi states that a nation should establish a "complete victory" situation concerning politics, economy, popular support and strategic principles before military activities in order to win a complete victory over the external aggression. 在此背景上,《尉缭子》提出,一个国家在战前就必须在政治、经济、民心士气和战略方针等方面确立必胜形势,然后才能取得对外战争的全面胜利。
Austerity and standardization of military economic order 规范军事经济秩序积极过好紧日子
The Military Order Recognition Technology in Battlefield Environment 战场环境下的军事命令识别技术
Price distortion of military material order: cause and countermeasure 军用物资订购价格扭曲成因及对策浅探
Current system of academic concern for many Military Order, Research has yielded fruitful results. 目前学界对军功爵制的关注很多,研究成果颇丰。
At present, the world is experiencing a new revolution in military affairs as the core, the Western countries are stepping up training high-quality military personnel in order to grasp the initiative to win future wars. 当前,世界正经历着以信息化为核心的新军事变革,西方大国都在加紧培养高素质军事人才,以掌握未来战争获胜的主动权。
In addition to military work, in order to supply munitions Garrison have also engaged in agricultural activities. 除了军事工作外,为了补给军需,这些戍卒们也会从事屯田等农业活动。
The research of the development in the new pattern ship protective structures has some important military significance in order to improve the vitality and combat ability. 开展新型舰船防护结构研究对于提高舰船的生命力及战斗力具有重要的军事意义。
As the form of the war is turning from mechanization to information, we can put the GIS tech in the military equipment guarantee in order to "make the war be seen". 在战争形态由机械化向信息化转变情况下,对于军事装备保障中运用GIS技术进行了展望,可以使战场变得可视。
Song government move to create anti-river Army, Fei hu Army in Shouchang military, in order to guard against the Jiangxi hub should be connected downstream of the war. 宋廷招创防江水军、飞虎军驻扎寿昌军,以期防备江西要冲,应接上下游战事。
Therefore, the proposed algorithm can be used to solve the security issues in commercial communications, confidential telephone and military order transmission. 综上,本文中的算法可用于解决商业通信、保密电话、军事指令发布中存在的安全问题。
The rational value orientation should be: Give consideration to and fruit fairness and procedure justice, the military order value in wartime of prior choice. 合理的价值取向应当是:兼顾结果公正与程序正义,优先选择战时军事秩序价值。
International experience also shows, aerospace and other military enterprises in order to achieve leapfrog development, bigger and stronger, inseparable from capital markets. 国际的经验也表明,航空航天等军工企业要想实现跨越式发展,做大做强,离不开资本市场。